Communication and Engagement
WSP Partners are working together to ensure people who live, work, or visit Walsall are aware of what ‘Safeguarding’ means and have access to information that will help them make informed decisions and stay safe. Partners have a responsibility to ensure that messages from Walsall Learning Reviews are shared and making a difference to practice. We want to listen to the views what people have to say to us about safeguarding whether this be feedback or sharing experiences. The whole community needs to understand what abuse, exploitation, harm and neglect looks like as well as the roles they play in keeping people safe and promoting welfare as Safeguarding is everybody’s business.
The Communication Strategy will outline the best methods to communicate messages that we have identified through engagement with our respective audiences. The strategy should be read in conjunction with the Engagement Strategy where it highlights the importance of listening to Walsall residents and not only engaging to find out what they want to tell us but how they want to tell us and how people want us to show that we have listened.