About Us
We are Walsall Safeguarding Partnership, here to ensure safeguarding measures are met and that adults with care and support needs and children across Walsall are protected from harm and abuse. Walsall Safeguarding Partnership oversees the function for both Walsall Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (WSCP) and Walsall Safeguarding Adults Board (WSAB) and takes on the combined responsibility for safeguarding children and adults under the guidance of Working Together 2023 and the Care Act 2014.
The new governance arrangements for Walsall Safeguarding Partnership includes the Executive Group, WSAB and WSCP Safeguarding Leadership Groups (SLG) and other subgroups to drive forward Walsall Safeguarding Partnership’s strategic priorities.
Walsall Safeguarding Partnership priorities from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2025 include:
- Neglect
- Self-Neglect and Hoarding
- All-Age Exploitation
- Child Sexual Abuse
On this website we have important information regarding current safeguarding issues, guidance on how to recognise the signs of abuse and neglect, and where to report any concerns you may have.
We would welcome any feedback on our webpages, so please if you have a moment fill out our quick survey