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Videos & Webinars adults

Safeguarding Adults Week 2022 took place Monday 21- Sunday 27 November.

This was an opportunity for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues.

The aim was to start vital conversations and share best practice, so we can all be better together. We would like to share the recent learning from a recent Black Country Multi-Agency Audit that took place on adults with care and support needs with associated fire risk, this was undertaken across the four Black Country Safeguarding Partnerships (Walsall, Wolverhampton, Sandwell and Dudley). However the report identified wider learning for the region.

This was followed by a session from West Midlands Fire Service on how to identify, assess and promote the safety and well being of their service users at risk of a fire, fire death or serious injury. Objectives:

1. To clearly recognise the individuals that are at risk of harm due to fire.

2. Identify what actions we can take to reduce the risk of death/serious injury from fire.

3. Recognise your role in the prevention of fires.

4. To have a clear understanding of the cases and learning following Reviews (SAR & Fire Service SIR).

“Tricky Friends” is a short animation developed to help people to understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do. It is important that people with learning disabilities and autism, those who have cognitive difficulties, and also children and young adults, have positive opportunities to make and maintain friendships.

We want to help them to to do this, to reduce the risk of harm and exploitation in groups who may be less able to recognise the intentions of others. Walsall Safeguarding Partnership hope this animation is used as a way to help people to think about the issues, to start those conversations, and keep them safer while enjoying friendships.

It is only 3 minutes long, and can be used with or by anyone – carers, family, organisations, groups.

If you or another adult you know is being abused, we can help. Please contact us, we will work with you and listen to you.

Telephone: 0300 555 2922
Textphone: 07919014925
Website: Walsall Adults Social Care 

Please read the Decision Making Guidance to support your decision making about whether an adult safeguarding concern should be raised with Walsall Council (Adult Social Care), it does not replace an agency’s own Safeguarding Police or Procedure. 

Abuse is often a crime. If you think a crime has been committed contact Walsall Police.

If there is an emergency always dial 999.

To report crime or anti-social behaviour, to contact your local police station or to get police assistance in a non-emergency dial 101.

Please watch the Video below to ensure you complete the safeguarding form correctly

Here are some further resources/links that were mentioned in the video

WSP Decision Making Guidance March 2022

Self-Neglect and Hoarding Pathway/Toolkit 

Medication Error Guidance

Adult Safeguarding Website

Following sharing this video with professionals please see the video below on a Q&A session you may find useful

West Midlands Police Force Intelligence Bureau (FIB) Multi-Agency Information Sharing Video. 

Aims of this Video:

* The effective identification, recording and sharing of information in relation to cases of exploitation is crucial to the successful disruption and prosecution of perpetrators.

* All professionals should continually gather record and share information with the appropriate authorities.

* The gathering of information can enable analysis that forms the basis of strong intelligence and can help inform investigations and disruption activity to keep children, young people and communities safe.

This Form can be found on Walsall Safeguarding Partnership Website:

For a Child or Young Person 

For an Adult

Following on from Scams Awareness Fortnight annual campaign, we would like to invite you to learn more about Door Step Crime and Scams at both a national and local level, who is at risk of them, how you can identify, support and prevent people who you work with from becoming victims.

Join this Webinar by Walsall Safeguarding Partnership to find out more about:

• Door Step Crime and Scams, and how to identify these.

• Listen to what is happening nationally and from a regional perspective

• The role of Trading Standards and the work they do

• Case studies from across the region

• How to report

• National campaigns and how to access resources

This webinar will be of interest to practitioners and professionals from all sectors across the region who work with service users within the community

By attending a Friends Against Scams awareness session or completing the online learning, anyone can learn about the different types of scams and how to spot and support a victim. With increased knowledge and awareness, people can make scams part of everyday conversation with their family, friends and neighbours, which will enable them to protect themselves and others.

After this session you will be asked to start taking action to take a stand against scams. This could be by talking to your neighbours, friends or family about scams or writing to your local MP asking them to promote scams awareness action by delivering key messages to prevent people from being scammed.

Please watch our new video which is a short and condensed version (8 minutes)

Once you have finished the video you can claim your Friends Against Scams certificate by emailing – please include the name you’d like on the certificate in your email.

Walsall Safeguarding Partnership Webinar on Self-Neglect

This is a recorded Webinar that took place on Tuesday 9th June 2020

The aim of the 1 hour webinar will be to:

– Provide a current overview of the issues around Self-Neglect locally in light of social distancing measures.

– Provide an overview of offer of support that is available across different organisations and how to access these.

– Have a live question and answer session.

Our guests for the webinar are:

Sharon Latham, Head of Safeguarding, Dudley and Walsall Mental Health

Connie Jennings, Head of Health and Wellbeing, Walsall Housing Group

Melanie Grainger, Partnerships Support Officer, West Midlands Fire Service

Seanna Lassetter, Principle Social Worker, Adult Social Care

The webinar is aimed at all leaders and practitioners across organisations working with adults, children and their families.

An introduction to Modern Slavery and spotting the signs, wider criminality and vulnerability, links between homelessness and modern slavery, technology and cybercrime, and the importance of public sector colleagues making every contact count (MECC).

Watch the webinar videos below to learn more about Modern Slavery.

Modern Slavery Webinar: Introduction

Modern Slavery Webinar: Wider Criminality

Modern Slavery Webinars: Homelessness

Modern Slavery Webinars: Modern slavery and cybercrime

Modern Slavery Webinars: Every contact counts


Domestic Homicide Reviews in Walsall

Walsall Safeguarding Partnership and Safer Walsall Partnership completed a Webinar on Domestic Homicide Reviews.

The aim of the 1.5 hour webinar was to:

• Provide an overview for participants of what a DHR is (i.e. Home Office guidelines, the process, a look at some case studies, etc.).

• Look at Walsall’s particular experience of conducting DHRs and the lessons learned from those.

• Have a live question and answer session.

This webinar includes an overview of relevant legislative framework, delivered by Janice White (Coventry City Council) including:

What is ‘well-being’?

‘Making enquiries’

What are ‘care and support needs’?

When is a SAR needed?

The duty of co-operation


Practical tips for front line staff

his webinar focuses on the issue of closed cultures in relation to safeguarding adults, delivered by Jon Ibbitson, Inspection Manager CQC and Carl Gillson, Interim Inspection Manager CQC.

The webinar aim is to explore:

What led to CQCs closed cultures work?

What is closed cultures?

What are the inherent risk factors that mean a service is more likely to develop a closed culture?

What are the warning signs of closed culture in a service?

What should our response be to a closed culture?